I did get one thing I've been meaning to do finished and that is take new video of Cate swimming. Cate has improved even more this summer in the pool. Her endurance is better, her strokes are improving, she swimming underwater like a natural fish, and is learning to dive. I figure that those of you who don't actually know Cate, might have some of those stereotypes of a person with Down syndrome lingering in the back of your mind. And I can't blame you - they come back to haunt me for a few seconds every once in a while too when I assume Cate won't be able to do something - that is until she immediately proves me wrong. I'm sure there are those of you out there that hear me say what a great swimmer Cate is (I know I say it a lot - I am one proud mama who can't help her annoying bragging) and think "how sweet" but at the same time in the back of your mind are thinking she probably dog paddles around and I'm just such a proud mama that I think that is great.

Well here is the proof that it is not just me thinking Cate is a great swimmer at 7 years old. I put a couple piece of phone video together without any effects so I apologize for the abrupt transitions. During the first section when you see Cate hesitate - she is says "Hi I'm Cate, I am swimming..." - she such a ham. Then in the middle she gives a whole speech that my phone didn't pick up telling she is going to swim backstroke to the other end of the pool unfortunately I stopped that tape of that swim early because Lucy started talking to me and didn't get it taken again. At the end she is diving for a dive stick, and I say 6 feet in the video but when I went down to set it back up for her I realized it was probably closer to 7 feet because I stood with the hands above my head on the bottom at that spot and still didn't reach the surface (our pool is 10 feet that deep end). Here you go - check it out!
God I love that girl! Promise to be back to the blogging soon since we have left than 2 weeks left until school starts here in the south.